Street and Glastonbury U3A was established in 1989, at a time when local colleges were still able to offer informal and affordable further education. Even then our branch of the U3A was able to establish a niche of programmes able to appeal to those who are retired or semi-retired. Over the intervening years the government has steered college funding into qualification programmes and vocational training. This has meant that the role of the U3A in providing interesting and stimulating programmes has grown in importance.
Each year in Street and Glastonbury we typically recruit around 450 individuals and they participate in one or more of some 40 plus classes and events.
Several of our activities take place in Ashcott Village Hall.
Most classes operate on a fortnightly basis for which a termly charge of £6 is made. Typically a term means 6 sessions. Individuals wishing to sample programmes are welcome. A nominal charge of £1 is made for such attendances.
New members assure us that the welcome they receive is very positive. Please explore our Events and Groups pages. We hope that you find something of interest. If not, and you have ideas of activities that would be of interest, we would love to hear from you. We would be particularly pleased to hear from anyone willing to lead a group. Teaching experience is not necessary!
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