Ashcott Womens Institute

Contacts:  Angela Nutt 01458-210889  Celia Sharman-Courtney 01458-210073

Women’s Institutes are more than just jam and Jerusalem! Ashcott & Pedwell W.I. is a lively group of ladies who enjoy various activities, talks, walks, lunches, debates, drama, quizzes, etc. etc.

During the last year we were fully operational (2019)we had many outings including a car treasure hunt and pub supper, a couple of quizzes, a garden party, a carol service at Wells Cathedral, a concert, a walk  around Westonzoyland (plus supper), theatre visits, etc. etc.

As you can see, eating plays quite a large part in our lives and we also have a Ladies Who Lunch club when we visit local hostelries on a monthly basis.

Our monthly meetings on the third Thursday of each month are held in the Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. when we have a speaker, refreshments and social time. Speakers during 2019/20 include an Introduction to Pilates, a talk by Moor Plants, Writing for Children’s T.V. a demonstration of Lebanese Cookery and a demonstration of German Christmas Tree Decorations. On a National and County basis we have debates and campaigns which have included farm gate milk prices, protection of honey bees, violence against women, women reaching women, care not custody and mandatory labelling of food items with country of origin. Links to all these campaigns can be found on

We have a very successful Skittles Team and also a small group who play Scrabble on a regular basis. If you have an interest in singing or drama we also have a group who get together when necessary to perform at various Group or County events. So whatever talents you have (or if you just want to sit and listen and take it all in) come along and sample what we have to offer. You will be made most welcome.

If you would prefer to meet up with a couple of us before a meeting for a coffee, etc. then please contact either Angela or Celia and we can arrange this.