Hello! Do you enjoy an evening walk? Do you enjoy lovely, peaceful surroundings?
Do you enjoy good company and doing your bit for the community?
if you have answered ‘yes’ to these questions then you will probably enjoy joining the footpath walkers!
We meet each Wednesday evening @7.00pm, in Ashcott Churchyard, from April – August approximately and our aim is to walk all the public footpaths that are accessible in the parish.
The group is led by Hilary Rogers who is the Public Paths Liason Officer(PPLO) working on behalf of the Parish Council. We have some lovely walks around the parish and we welcome anyone who would like to join us. we are not all keen walkers but just enjoy an evening walk and the pace is set to accommodate everyone.
We usually have a social evening to close the season.
it is important to try to keep all the paths as accessible as possible whilst enjoying our lovely countryside.
If you would like to know more about us please contact Hilary Rogers on 01458 210826