Polden Praise Music Group (formerly called TOAST)


Some members of the music group at the 2010 Ashcott Harvest Fayre

Polden Praise consists of a number of singers and instrumentalists including guitars, bass, piano/keyboards, violin, flute, recorders and bassoon. We play at several of the churches in the Polden Wheel group including Ashcott.

We are always looking for new members.

Ashcott Bellringers

All Saints has a fine ring of six bells which are rung regularly by our local band and visitors.

Our primary aim is to ring the bells for Sunday Services and for weddings on request.The current charge for weddings is £50.

The local team are: Keith Prime, (210485) Tower Captain, Freda Prime, Margaret Trimm, Peter Rendle, Henry, Nancy, Dominic and Ben Routley.

We also combine with Shapwick for practices and help each other out when needed. Ken Wade is the Tower Captain in Shapwick , (210885)